Your home is your home whatever your challenges. One of the most powerful lessons I have taken to heart is:

You are not and should never be disabled in your own home.


Because you have made your home work for you.

If you are struggling to achieve this then you are in the right place — I can help you.

You may be a wheelchair user who needs to move around unhindered.

Or perhaps you’re looking at your home with an eye to the future — for your later living needs.

You want to live independently and stylishly. You want to use every part of your home. You need a bathroom that meets your needs. A kitchen you navigate with ease. Social spaces for you and your family to come together.

You need someone who has empathy, who listens to you and strives to understand how you feel. Above all — you need someone who finds solutions.

Work with me and you will have a home that feels right for you and — functions for you.

Give Anna Thomas a call on 07957 519923 or if you prefer to write click the button below.